Monday 4 February 2019

12 Interesting Facts about Algebra

Here are few interesting facts which would make your perception a little better towards this subject:
1. The Origin of the word
 Coming from a Latin variant of Arabic word al-jabr, it came from book’s title “Hidab al- jabrwal- muqubala” by mathematician from Arab-Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi in 825 A.D.
Source: wikipedia, Image:
2. Origin of Subject 
The roots of this subject dates back to 1900 BC when it was traced that it was Babylonians who came up with Algebra.
Source: wikipedia
3. Algebraist
 If you think that one class of Algebra makes your head spin, imagine a person who specializes in the subject. Apparently these specialists are given a name. They are known as Algebraist. THEY DESERVE IT!
Source: wikipedia
4. Basket Ball and Algebra
 Basket Ball have a strong association with Algebra. Davidson College associate math professor Tim Chartier developed algebraic formula for NCAA basketball tournament. Even the famous NBA 24 second shot was also created using an algebraic equation.
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5. Algebra and Other Subjects
 If you still don’t think that Algebra is not an important subject, you are wrong. It is used in other fields like science, engineering, economics, mathematics and medicine.
6. Hollywood and Algebra
 One of the famous Hollywood movies “Big” has a scene where actor Tom Hanks character helps out a kid with him algebra homework using the analogy of Basketball.
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7. Rules of Algebra
 The obvious and senseless seeming rules and formulas of Algebra are very important for proper understanding of the subject. For instance, opposite of a is -a and reciprocal of a is 1/a.
8. Stages of Algebra
 This subject went into 3 distinct stages known as rhetorical algebra,” “syncopated algebra” and “symbolic algebra.” It emerged as a full-fledged branch of mathematics towards the end of 16th century with help of French mathematician Francois Viete who led to formulation of algebra. Later it was a start of “new algebra” or “symbolic analysis.”
Source: wikipedia

9. The signs of addition and subtraction
 The signs of (+) and (-) which prove to be essential elements in performing algebraic equations were discovered in 16th Before that, people use written words to express the functions of addition and subtraction which was a time consuming process.

10. Old Subject

If you though it’s a new thing that bothers you in your school, guess you are wrong. It is believed that Ancient Egyptians used complex forms of math as algebra for equations to find approximate area of circles. It dates back to 3000 BC.
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11. Higher forms of Algebra
 Another striking feature of Algebra is that it has other higher forms of algebra which are developed to deal with specific kinds of problems. Like Matrix algebra deals with set of numbers that are arranged in matrices. Another form like Abstract Algebra is all about generalization of algebra.
Source:, Image:
12. Algebra is used everywhere- Literally!

 Whether its science, everyday life, analysis, data entry or decision making, Algebra comes in as a handy tools. The formulas and principles of this subject are used and applied for better understanding and training. Many companies want their employees to be trained in this subject as well.
Guess you cannot avoid Algebra class that easily now, since you know its relevance.

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